Paula Parker Talks Biblical Fiction

Facts, Fantasy, and Faithfulness

Paula K. Parker is an internationally recognized playwright, author, and freelance writer. Her work has appeared in such national publications as Focus on the Family’s Citizen, Christian Single, Christian Health, Clarity, Release Ink, and HomeLife magazines. Since 2013, she has written curriculum for the WinShape Camp for Girls.

An accomplished playwright, Paula is best known for her sparkling stage adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen’s Sense & Sensibility, and Jane Austen’s EMMA.

Paula co-authored two novels, YHWH: The Flood, the Fish & the Giant, and YESHUA: The King, The Demon & The Traitor with New York Times Best-Selling author, GP Taylor. She co-wrote Shameless Self-Promotion with Mike Parker and Torry Martin. Her devotional book, Illuminations showcases the work of international artist Tracy H. Sugg. Her children’s picture book, SLOW LOVE, was illustrated by Breanna King Butterworth.

Her biblical novel, BEAUTY UNVEILED; Sisters of Lazarus, Book One, reached Amazon’s Top Ten Best-seller’s list for Biblical Fiction. The sequel GLORY REVEALED: Sisters of Lazarus; Book Two, reached Amazon’s Top Ten Hot New Releases list for Biblical Fiction. The final book in the series, GRACE EXTENDED; Sisters of Lazarus, Book Three, reached Amazon’s Top Ten Hot New Releases list for Biblical Fiction, and Amazon’s Top One Hundred List for Hot New Releases for Ancient History Fiction.

Her latest biblical novel, THE CARPENTER AND HIS BRIDE; The Birth of Hope, reached the Top Ten on numerous charts, including Hot New Releases in Biblical Fiction, Bestsellers in Biblical Fiction, and New Releases in Historical Fiction. It also won the Bronze Level in Adult Christian Fiction Category for the 2023 Inscriptions Christian Book Awards.

When she is not writing, Paula whiles away the hours with her writer/actor husband Mike, visiting with their five grown children, loving on their eight grandchildren, playing in their gardens, restoring their vintage home, cooking, baking (especially anything chocolatey) and playing the harp.

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
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Secret Agent Sleuthing

Reality Coaching for Writers

In this episode we discuss how a writer’s coach can help you find and land a literary agent.

  1. Recognize how a writer’s coach can increase your chances to find a literary agent.
  2. Gain practical advice for creating a successful agent engagement pitch.
  3. Gain insights as a former agent and avoid common writer pitch pitfalls.
  4. Adhere to submission guidelines and enhance your industry knowledge to optimize your chances for success.
  5. Understand an agent’s preferences, genres, and expertise.
  6. Dive deep into meeting a felt need and comprehending your target audience’s expectations.
  7. Develop a compelling elevator pitch to capture an agent’s interest.
  8. Follow practical advice on crafting an ideal 200-250-word query email with a proposal.
  9. Recognize the importance of marketing elements—word count, title, and a brief bio—in your query letter.
  10. Acknowledge the crucial role of genre interest and a solid platform in creating book excitement.
  11. Be aware of the perceived cynicism in the publishing business and manage expectations.
  12. Explore platform building for non-fiction writers through articles and blog posts.
  13. Avoid downtime periods in December and July for agent submissions: follow industry rhythms.
  14. Seek guidance from a writer’s coach on when to pitch and understanding industry dynamics.
  15. Show appreciation through thoughtful gestures, like sending gifts or expressing gratitude. Maintain positive relationships and avoid burned bridges in the publishing industry.

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers. For more information, check out:

Banned By Amazon, Learn how Surfer / Author Laurel Senick Found Her Niche Market

Reality Coaching for Writers

In this episode we talk with surfer and author, Laurel Senick about the ways she has maximized her “niche market” to drive the sales of her fiction title, Foam. #nichemarketing #fictionwriting #LaurelSenick #surfergirl A shout out to #kellyslater for a staring role in the film version of Laurel’s next novel.

Here are some of the tips we learn from Laurel in this episode.

  1. Embrace reality and avoid fluff in your writing.
  2. Choose a title that resonates with your target audience and is easy to spell.
  3. Be adaptable with your book title, as it may evolve during the writing process.
  4. Seek feedback from others on your book title to ensure it’s appealing and memorable.
  5. Be aware of potential challenges with online platforms and have contingency plans in place.
  6. Connect with relevant organizations and influencers in your niche for targeted marketing.
  7. Consider releasing your book strategically, such as tying it to a significant date or event.
  8. Utilize local opportunities for book signings and events to connect with readers directly.
  9. Leverage local media outlets for coverage, especially around the book’s release date.
  10. Build relationships with local businesses and explore unique collaboration opportunities for book promotions.

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out:

Lessons for Writers from Tim Scott’s Failed Presidential Bid

Reality Coaching for Writers

In this episode we discuss how writers can learn from Tim Scott‘s failed presidential bid.
1. Money Matters But Not In A Good Way.
2. Every Story Needs a Villain
3. Pleasant and Up-beat Characters Need Flaws (and to Admit Them)
4. You Can’t Become a Best Seller if You Never Give Readers a Chance
5. Focus On How To Make the Reader the Hero, Not You.

Here is a Summary of Tips for Writers From This Episode

  • Maintaining a fresh perspective is crucial for writers, avoiding regurgitating old ideas. Tim Scott’s sudden withdrawal from the presidential race is used as an analogy for writers losing their way.
  • Writers, like political candidates, can get distracted from their mission and original voice. Writers need to stay committed to their mission and not let negativity and competing voices alter who they are and the message they are called to communicate.
  • Money doesn’t guarantee success; a fresh voice and a unique perspective are essential, and no amount of money can compensate for a lack of it. Without a fresh solution to an old problem, spending money will only deplete your bank account.
  • Authors may get distracted by external influences, losing their originality in the process. Think outside the box. Take a chance on new tools that weren’t available years ago.
  • Focus on establishing a connection with readers before seeking endorsements, reviews, or even book sales.
  • Writers need to avoid playing too nice with the problem they promise to solve; having a clear adversary or problem to address adds depth to the narrative. Writers should be unapologetic about addressing problems and not shy away from naming issues.
  • The hero in a book should be the reader impacted by the content, not the author.
  • Avoid making the narrative about personalities and avoid naming names. Focus on addressing problems and offering solutions.
  • Authors can build connections by asking readers what they need and offering small, tangible actions.
  • Authors need to balance visibility and genuine connection, showing up when necessary but also offering help.
  • In promoting books, authors should aim to give rather than solely asking. Trust that God will provide increase. If an author must ask, ask the audience how he or she can improve their product, pitch, and approach to helping others. Encourages authors at book signings to come prepared with the Holy Spirit’s fullness, focus on helping and encouraging people, even if it’s beyond selling books.
  • Do not give up too early. God has all the time in the world: we should trust he knows when he will provide the harvest. The great mistake many of us make is giving up too soon. Tim Scott quit before the first vote was cast. Writers give up on a book and series and career before giving Jesus a chance to work his miracles.
  • Revisit old books and find fresh ways to promote them. Leverage existing content and turn that material into promotional content.
  • Find creative ways to stay engaged. Our words, guided by the Holy Spirit, can have a long-term impact if we work until the end.

#TimScott #SenatorTimScott #TimScott2023 #TimScottForAmerica #ConservativeLeadership #GOP #RepublicanParty #UnitedStatesSenate #SCSenator #TimScott2024 #AmericanPolitics #ConservativeVoice #LeadershipMatters #Election2024 #PoliticalLeadership #USPolitics #ConservativeValues #SenateCampaign #TimScott2024 #SouthCarolinaSenator #RepublicanLeader #ConservativeSenator #PoliticalFuture #VoteTimScott #ConservativeMovement #TimScottForPresident #SCPolitics #RepublicanValues #PublicService #PoliticalVision

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out: