Category Archives: Writing Videos
Get An Eternal Perspective on Writing
Reality Coaching for Writers
2 Corinthians 4:18
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Main Point: Spending time in God’s presence gives us an eternal perspective
1. How has spending time in God’s presence personally impacted your perspective on life?
2. What practices do you use to set your mind on things above, rather than on earthly matters?
3. Can you share a moment when you experienced the fullness of joy in God’s presence?
4. How do you think our focus on the eternal changes the way we approach our daily lives?
“God makes known to us the path of abundant life. In His presence, there is fullness of joy; at His right hand are pleasures forevermore. We need to set our minds and eyes on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (Psalm 16:11; Colossians 3:1-2)
Promise: An eternal perspective provides a ‘felt need’ idea
1. In what ways has an eternal perspective helped you see God’s plans more clearly?
2. How can we stay open to the call and words that God lays on our hearts?
3. Can you think of a time when you realized God had prepared something greater than you imagined?
4. Why do you think understanding our ‘felt need’ is crucial to our spiritual growth?
“God has prepared for those who love Him all manner of works that we’ve yet to imagine.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) We only need to be open to hearing the call, words, and message He lays on our hearts.
Action: Look beyond the visible to eternal truths
1. How do you practice looking beyond the visible in your own life and storytelling?
2. What are some examples of eternal truths that have resonated with you in your work?
3. Revelation 14:13 mentions our works following us—how do you interpret that in the context of eternity?
4. How can writers and creators ensure their work reflects eternal truths rather than temporary trends?
“Our works in Christ, for Christ, and through Christ follow us.” (Revelation 14:13)
Warning: Without an eternal perspective, your writing lacks depth
1. What do you think causes some creative works to lack depth and substance?
2. How can we consciously avoid letting our work become like “dust in the wind”?
3. Why is laying up treasures in heaven important for those of us who create content?
4. Can you share a time when you had to refocus your work to align with an eternal perspective?
“So let’s lay up treasures in heaven, for then our works will be eternal.” (Ecclesiastes 1:14; Matthew 6:19-20)
Takeaway: Inspiration is all around us
1. How do you keep your eyes, ears, and heart open to God’s glory in everyday life?
2. What are some unexpected sources of inspiration you’ve encountered in creation?
3. How can we help others recognize God’s invisible attributes in the world around them?
4. Why is it important for creators to draw inspiration from God’s handiwork rather than just human innovation?
“God’s invisible attributes, eternal power, and divine nature are clearly seen in creation. All creation proclaims His handiwork. We only need to keep our ears, eyes, and hearts open to His glory everywhere.” (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1)
Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers. Need to get your book up on Amazon and other online booksellers. Email Eddie:
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Our Motivation in Writing — is It a Gory Horror Show or for God’s Glory?
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God’s Grace Abounds — Let God’s Grace Fill the Gaps In Your Writing
Reality Coaching for Writers
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The Power of Words — Fulfilling Your Divine Assignment
Reality Coaching for Writers
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Discovering God’s Will — Writing a Book with Peace and Rest
Reality Coaching for Writers
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