Leave Everything And Follow Jesus

Book Promotion Jesus' Way

Leave Everything And Follow JesusPeople crowded around Jesus to listen to the word of God. (Luke 5:1-6)

Leave Everything And Follow JesusNearby an author stood in a booth packing up his books.  When Jesus asked permission to sit in the booth the author shoved aside some boxes of books to make room. After speaking to the people, Jesus asked the author to put out some books for display and some bookmarks.

The author replied, “Master, I’ve worked hard all night—months, actually—and haven’t anything to show for it. But because you say so, sure, I will put out some promotional materials.”

When he had done as Jesus asked, the author sold such a large number of books that his back began to ache from lifting boxes. His hand cramped from signing copies. Overwhelmed, he signaled to friends in other booths for help. Others hurried over to unpack boxes, take orders, and hand out bookmarks. The author sold out all the books he had plus books from his friends’ booths.

Astonished the author said, “Go away from me, Lord! I am a sinful man.”

Jesus replied, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will catch men for me with your words.”

That day the author stopped promoting books the old way, left everything, and followed Jesus.

Will we?

Book marketing Jesus’ way places our confidence in him. We work to make our books known but trust that only he can bless our efforts. When we work with all our heart as though working for the Lord, we can be sure we will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward, for it is our Lord Christ we are serving.


Lord, help us to write for you, to have your heart, your compassion, your grace and mercy for others. Through your Spirit inspire us to add words to our books and writings that will draw others to you. We want to catch people for you with our words. Amen and amen. 

Book Promotion Jesus’ Way

Jesus went from village to village teaching. When the time came for him to expand his ministry Jesus called the Twelve to himself and began to send them out two by two. Each pair served as Jesus promo team, his street squad. For us they serve as an example of book promotion Jesus’ way.

Book Promotion Jesus’ Way

“Take nothing for the journey except a staff,” he said. “No bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra shirt.”

If this sounds like your book promotion budget give thanks. You are already well on your way to promoting your books in the way Jesus promoted his message.

Authority and Power—Not Money and Marketing

“I give you my authority. When you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. Preach repentance. Heal the sick. Drive out unclean spirits.” (Mark 6:8-13)

The efforts of the Twelve proved so successful that people came from all over. So many pressed in on them that Jesus and the Twelve could not eat. Seeking to escape the crowds they left in a boat. In response people ran on foot from all the towns and reached the place where Jesus and the Twelve landed. Picture paparazzi and fans flocking to catch a glimpse of a rock star. That’s the scene along the shore. We know from the feast that comes later that day that five thousand men, plus women and children, gathered to hear Jesus.

That’s the result of his power and authority flowing through twelve disciples. Their promotional efforts brought a huge crowd. Do our promotional efforts draw such a following?

Words From Jesus

If not consider these words from Jesus.

“The words I have spoken to you are Spirit. They are life.” (John 6:63)

Do our words bring life to our books? Or do we grumble about our sales, complain about negative reviews, call our books “dead”?

Jesus gave his disciples power and authority to drive out DEMONS and CURE DISEASES. (Luke 9:1)

Do we believe we have this power and authority? Does this promise from Jesus quicken our spirit? Or do we allow a spirit of negativity and sickness to rob our books of sales and success?

“I give you authority to trample on SNAKES and SCORPIONS—to overcome ALL the power of the enemy. NOTHING WILL HARM YOU.” (Luke 10:19)

Do we reel from attacks from the enemy? Do we cower as those defeated and wounded? Or do we advance as those who are more than conquerers in Christ.

“You will be CLOTHED with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

Have we received power from on high? Are we clothed in his Spirit? Or are we only attempting to promote our books through works of the flesh?

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit COMES ON YOU.” (Acts 1:8)

Can we recall when the Holy Spirt came upon us? Have we felt its power flowing through us into others?

“Anyone who has faith in me will do even greater things than the things I have done.” (John 14:12)

Are others stunned at how the words of Jesus, spoken by us, quicken their spirit? Have we witnessed his power drawing others to him for healing, comfort, provision, protection . . . the abundant life Jesus promised?

“Because I am going to the Father, I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for ANYTHING and I will do it.” (John 14:12-13)

When we ask Jesus, do we limit our requests to our daily needs? Or do we search our heart for the treasures he has placed within—those visions and dreams he as confirmed in our spirit but which have yet to be evident in circumstances?

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. WHATEVER you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. WHATEVER you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)

Finally, have we bound others by an unforgiving spirit? Or have we freely giving them forgiveness and reminded them that Jesus forgave all who came to him. Freely we have received forgiveness. Freely we will give.

When we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us—when we are filled with his Spirit—his power and authority flow out to others. If we believe our books bring glory to the Father and Son then let us go in prayer and ask Jesus to intercede on our behalf.

Book Promotion Jesus' Way

Dream the Dreams of Jesus

Bahama Breeze

What Would You Attempt to Do if You Knew You Wouldn’t Fail?

When faced with a barren field dream the dreams of Jesus. A few years back I found myself sleeping in Lums Pond State Park near Newark, Delaware. Some months earlier I’d lost my job.

Oh, I knew where my job hid—in a cubicle in Bangalore, India. But I wasn’t flying halfway around the world to bring it home. I couldn’t afford the plane ticket. Couldn’t afford a room at the Howard Johnson in Newark, Delaware, either. So, the afternoon before the start of the Delaware Christian Writers Conference I pitched my tent on hard-packed dirt, unloaded my gear and drove my twenty-year-old Toyota hatchback up the road to the University of Delaware campus. I had a dream and a manuscript and not much else.

Dreams Have a Life of Their Own

Dreams come alive when we are not watching. While we’re going about life with all its worries, our dreams slip off and—if blessed by God—come alive. My dream sat in the passenger seat staring out the window. My dream dreamed of sailing the islands, surfing reef breaks and writing a best-selling novel. My dream was a big time dreamer.

Before I left the house that morning I’d “prayed on” the breastplate of righteousness. I’d asked God to keep my thoughts pure and my dreams secure. Righteous thoughts are the lifeblood of Christians. What we hold in our hearts, we speak with our mouth. And what we speak often come to life because our words carry life and death (Proverbs 18:21).

Lust long enough and you take what’s not yours. Meditate on God’s Word and your spirit aligns with his Spirit and his Spirit creates.

God knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Plans for good not ill, plans for a future and hope. One of the dreams God placed in my heart was to write for Him.

The last night of the writers conference the John Riddle called my name. My manuscript Bahama Breeze had won first place. With award came a $1000 check. Minutes later, sitting in my beater car, I wept. God’s affirmation that my dream was also his dream meant more to me than a thousand dollars.

Dreaming the Dreams of Jesus Pays Off

But a thousand dollars is still a thousand dollars, so… when I returned to my campsite and found my tent in a soaking heap and my sleeping bag drenched, I threw it all in the trunk, crawled behind the wheel and said to my dream in the passenger seat, “Come on, dream. We’re checking into a hotel. God has upgraded us.”

A good many act as if Jesus came to kill, steal and destroy, but that’s the other guy. Jesus came to heal, fill and restore. Jesus is not a genie whose head we can rub to get what we want. But when our heart aligns with His and His dreams for us re-align our spirit to His, small and great things will spring forth.

This vision you have in your heart? Is it a dream of dreams from Jesus? Ask Jesus if it’s from him or the enemy. And if it’s from him, believe he will bring it to life.


See it. Sow it. Speak it. Reap it.

Book Marketing Jesus' Way

See it. Sow it. Speak it. Reap it.Out of your heart are the issues of life, both good and bad. Keep you heart safe with all diligence. Guard it. Pray God’s protection over your heart. (Proverbs 4:23)

Lord, out of the desires of our hearts seeds are conceived. With our mouths we sow both good seed and bad. From within our hearts, by faith,  we bless what we have sown.

If we sow bad seed and bless it with bitter water, we will reap a harvest of disappointment. If we envision evil and sow seeds of corruption, we will bring forth death, rotten fruit, and decay. (James 1:15) 

May it not be so, Lord. We ask you to remove all imperfect seeds. May only your seeds of life live within our hearts. We confess right now, right here, that you have sown good seed in our hearts and will continue to sow seeds for tomorrow and the days to come.

My heart is rich, fertile soil. I declare that I am careful to sow only what is pure, good, and honors you. I will know the seeds sown in my heart by the fruit that tumbles off my lips.

I have and will continue to sow abundance in my heart. I have and will continue to speak life to my books—each and every one.

Lord, you ask, “What is it you want?” I see a harvest ripe with good sales, good reviews, and readers whose lives are changed by the words you place within my heart. I sow your words. I speak your words. I reap a harvest from your words and expect abundance to be my reward.

Amen and amen.

Jesus Is All the Provision We Need

Book Marketing Jesus' Way (John 6:6)

Jesus already had in mind what he was going to do. (John 6:6)Jesus already had in mind what he was going to do. (John 6:6)

Is this the way we come to our work? Do we already have in mind what the outcome will be? Or are our efforts simply based on hope and a vague prayer for blessing from God?

Prior to his big promotional tour, Jesus gathers the Twelve around him and gives these instructions. “Preach the kingdom of God.”

Good advice. Stick to the message. Don’t get distracted with trivial matters that have nothing to do with the task at hand. When it comes to our book promotional efforts, keep the main thing the main thing.

You have a book. You want to make it known to new readers. Focus on its core message, its benefits to readers (Novelists, entertainment is a benefit.) Explain how your book is a blessing to its target audience.

“Take nothing for the journey,” Jesus said. “No staff. No bag. No bread. No money. No extra tunic.”

Not only will we lose focus if we become distracted by trivial matters, but we will also become frustrated and worn down by doing too much and carrying too many items into the harvest field. Let Jesus provide for our daily needs.

Oh sure, some may advise that you produce a launch calendar, list milestones, hit the right influencers at the right time, posts on other blogs, run ads, pay for promotional services. All this can be great advice if you keep Jesus first. Let him lead. Listen to his Spirit within you. “Travel light,” is his advice to his disciples.

“Find a welcoming home in which to rest and to remain in that home until you leave.”

Spend time with those who believe in you, who welcome you. Along the way you’ll encounter plenty detractors and doubters. Better to be nourished in both body and soul by good food and encouraging words than to hop from person-to-person in search of affirmation and validation.

When the Twelve returned Jesus gathered them to himself in a remote place.

We may think that after we’ve pushed through our first book launch it becomes easier, that we’ve made it. But often Jesus walks us into remote places. The Spirit of God led Jesus into the wilderness. We should expect a version of the same. In remote places our faith grows. In remote places we learn to rely on him alone. Unless we spend time with Jesus in his remote places, we may find that our next launch, our next book release is more tiring and difficult. Let us treasure our time with Jesus in remote places.

 Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to Jesus and ask that he send the crowd away.

The Twelve still relied on their natural eyes, not their faith eyes. They had not yet believed that Jesus was their provision. Have we?

Now that we’ve mastered some of the tools of book marketing, of launching a book or series of books, do we view Jesus as all the provision we need? Or are we relying on our own efforts, friends, finances, influencers, publisher, promotional person?

Days earlier the Twelve went out to draw crowds to Jesus. Their promotional efforts worked so well that people packed the hillside in anticipation of seeing and hearing Jesus.

And now the Twelve are sending crowds away from Jesus.

Too often this is us. The work is too much, the crowds too demanding. With success comes expectations and expectations add stress. If we feel stressed about our success then we have placed our faith in the wrong person—ourself.

“You give them something to eat,” Jesus replied.

At this command our spirits sink. Tapped out, worn out, we’re down to our last giveaway book, last ad dollar, last blog-tour-post. Without a miracle our book will flop and fail. And at that moment what does Jesus asks of us? All that we have.

“But we only have a few small fish and small barley loaves. How far will that go among so many?”

Phillip and Andrew offer rational observations. Nothing wrong with a frank assessment of our situation. But do we catch the inflection in their voice? Onlysmallhow farso many

Our words betray us. The things that come out of the mouth come from our heart (Matthew 15:18)

Phillip and Andrew only saw five small rolls and two small fish and a huge crowd. Jesus saw what he was going to do.

Jesus already had in mind what he was going to do. (John 6:6)

Do we only see the present? Or do we see our future quickened in our spirit by Jesus?

Watch how Jesus turned the present into a future of miraculous multiplication.

Jesus looked up to heaven, the source of all provision.

I lift up my eyes. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1).

Jesus gave thanks: thanks for what he held in his hands—thanks for what would be.

In every thing give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Jesus blessed what he held.

“I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)

If we have the Spirit of Christ within us, we have the authority of Jesus. We can bless or we can curse. We can forgive or withhold forgiveness. We can bless God, bless others, bless ourselves, bless our books, bless our seed, bless our children, bless the works of our hands. We can bless! We do not need to wait for God to bless us. Bless now!

Jesus divided what he held into smaller bites.

Though perhaps small and in short supply, what we have is always enough when we have Jesus. Divide what you hold and give to others. This is key to kingdom work.

Elijah said, “Bring me, please, a piece of bread.”

“As surely as the Lord your God lives,” the widow replied, “I don’t have any bread. I only have a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.”

Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me. Then make something for yourself and your son. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry” (1 Kings 17:11-14)

If we hoard, we starve others—and ourselves. When we give all that we have, we receive back more than we ask. This is the way the kingdom of God works.

Jesus distributed to the Twelve.

Delegate. Distribute. Allow others to share in your joy.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Allow others to witness the miracle of multiplication.

Five loaves fed five thousand men in groups of fifty. 5.50.5000. Imagine the scene. The Twelve disciples direct the crowd of men to sit in groups of 50 (one hundred groups of fifty men plus women and children). And the food never ran out.

At the conclusion of the event the Twelve gathered twelve baskets. Have you ever wondered what might have happened if Jesus had a team of not just twelve, but twenty-four, forty-eight, seventy-two? Would the remains have filled seventy-two baskets? Perhaps the limitation of provision came not from the five loaves but from the number of workers gathered to help Jesus.

A short while after this feeding Jesus sends out the Twelve again. It’s as if he is saying, “Okay, team. You’ve seen how this works. Let’s try once more.” Two by two they went to every town and place where he was about to go. “Do not take a purse. Do not take a bag. Do not take extra sandals.” His instructions are the same as before: travel light.

Jesus concludes his instructions with this: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Do we understand this kingdom principle?  It’s as if Jesus is saying to us: “I will feed, I will heal,  I will teach, I will reach groups of fifty, a hundred, a thousand, a million if only I can find enough workers to help gather the harvest.”

Pray with an attitude of desperation for the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field (Matthew 9:38). If your book reflects his glory, truth, love, hope, good news, then your book is one of those workers that can be sent into the harvest field.

Send it. Bless it. Expect your book to gather others to Jesus.


Lord, I bless the works of my hands. I bless my books. I name each one and pray blessing upon blessing upon them. I thank you for the opportunity to write. For the words you give me. For the time you provide. For the ideas. For the encouragement I receive. For those who believe in me and my writing. For the readers who read and write reviews: even the ones who criticize my “baby.” Lord, you are all the provision I need. You are the only marketing manager, press release person, promotional advisor I need. You call into being things that were not (Romans 4:17). I declare blessings upon blessings upon my books. I look with expectation for the vision you’ve placed within my spirit to bear fruit. Amen.


May None of Our Words Fall to the Ground Without Bearing Fruit

Book Marketing Jesus' Way (1 Samuel 3:1-21)

May None of Our Words Fall to the Ground Without Bearing FruitSamuel was lying down where the ark of God was. (1 Samuel 3:3)

O Lord, may I lie down next to you. May I arise by your side.

In those days the word of the Lord was rare. There were not many visions. Samuel did not yet know the Lord. The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. (1 Samuel 3:1,7)

Lord, may your words be plentiful, not rare. May you give me vision after vision of your glory, your will to come, your work to be done. May I know your voice and hear your voice above all others. 

“If the Lord calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” (1 Samuel 3:9)

Lord, call upon me. Speak my name. Open my ears that I might hear.

The Lord was with Samuel as he grew. The Lord let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground. All recognized that Samuel was a prophet of the Lord. The Lord continued to reveal himself to Samuel through his word. (1 Samuel 3:19-21)

    1. Samuel lay close to God, right beside him. May we also remain so close to our Father that we feel his breath against our cheek.
    2. At first Samuel did not know the voice of God. May we spend so much time in our Father’s Word that when he speaks, our ears instantly burn with the excitement of revelation, vision, and inspiration.
    3. When we hear God speaking may we reply, “Speak, Lord, I am listening.” And may we then give our full attention to the revelation he gives.
    4. Like Samuel may we expect our Father to be with us at all times.
    5. May the Lord let NONE of our words inspired by our Father fall without bearing fruit.
    6. May we watch for the Lord to reveal himself to us through his word.
    7. May we expect the Lord to honor us.
      Those who honor me I will honor. (1 Samuel 2:30)

Lord, be with me as I go and grow today. Let NONE of the words you speak through me fall to the ground without bearing fruit. Reveal yourself to me through your words. Honor me in order that you may be glorified. 
