Your pantry is empty. You have nothing left to set before your guests, your family. Spent, exhausted, frustrated, all you can do is borrow from friends.
Late at night you go next door and ask your neighbor for a little something to eat so you can feed your guest, but your neighbor replies:
- “Don’t bother me.”
- “I’m in bed.”
- “Go away.”
Jesus warns that when we ask our friends for help—even when what we seek is for others—many will reply, “Don’t bother me. I’m your friend, yes, but…”
It’s as if Jesus is saying, “Do not be surprised by this. The nature of man is to withdraw, withhold, allow others to go without.” Instead Jesus encourages us to:
- “Ask your Father in heaven for what you need.”
- “Seek from your Father in heaven your provision.”
- “Knock on heaven’s door for the help you need.”
Grab these promises of Jesus. Hold onto them with both hands.
- “I promise you will receive from my Father.”
- “I promise you will find all you need in my Father’s house.”
- “I promise my Father will open doors for you.”
These promises from Jesus are not simply for those who are “good,” righteous in their own eyes—for those who can quote chapter and verse. These promises from Jesus are for all who come to the Father in humility, repentance, and faith.
What doors do you need opened today?
What supplies do you lack?
What have you conceived but not yet received?
Jesus says,
- “EVERYONE who asks, receives.”
- “EVERYONE who seeks, finds.”
- “EVERYONE who knocks, a door is opened.”
How is that possible? Jesus replies, “Your father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
- God’s Holy Spirit reminds us of the character, works, and words of Jesus and the father. (John 14:26) God is good. God is loving. God is generous. God is compassionate. God is faithful. God gives all the grace we need for every task.
- God’s Holy Spirit convicts us of sin. (John 16:7-8) When sin interferes with our relationship with the father, his Holy Spirit brings our offenses to mind. Through his mercy and our repentance, our relationship and communication is restored.
- God’s Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God and the deep needs of our soul. (1 Corinthians 2:10) We think we know what we want, but the Holy Spirit digs deep into our soul and supplies us with wisdom, revelation, and vision from the father.
- God’s Holy Spirit guides us in all truth, making our steps firm. (John 16:13-15) Our wants, goals, and needs may seem right, but God’s Holy Spirit reveals all truth, all that is noble, all that is good.
- God’s Holy Spirit gives us good gifts for the common good: wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) Our daily needs are not for us alone but for others. The works of our hands are not for our enjoyment alone, but for the benefit of others.
- God’s Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness, searches our hearts, intercedes for us according to God’s will. (Romans 8:26-27) When we are frail, tired, and beaten down, God’s Holy Spirit continues to ask the father on our behalf.
- With patience and self-control God’s Holy Spirit enables us to live in love, joy, faith, and peace while offering kindness, goodness, and gentleness to others. (Galatians 5:22-25) With God’s Holy Spirit within us, love, joy, faith, and peace replace anger, worry, fear, and stress.
With God’s Holy Spirit we have all we need to provide for others and ourselves. And should we lack anything, we only need to ask.
Jesus tells us we will, “Do the works I do and even greater works than these. (John 14:12)
Are we doing great works?
Are we writing great words?
Are we spending our efforts on others?
If you believe your words, your books, your vocation as a writer serves God’s kingdom in small and great ways, then invite others to join you in this prayer.
“‘My Father, your name is holy. Your name is greatly to be revered and honored. Your kingdom is here with me, within me, for you are in me and I am in you.
Each day you give me all that I need. You know my needs, even the needs I cannot fathom. Provide today as much as I need.
Forgive me of my sins. I confess them before you now. I repent of my sins. Have mercy on me.
I forgive all who offend me, hurt me, ignore me, past judgement upon me, and seek to harm me.
Lead me not into temptation. Instead lead me to open doors where I can display your love, joy, faith, peace and patience to others. Lead me to open doors where I, in the mighty name of Jesus, can show your kindness, goodness, and gentleness towards others. May it be so, father. Amen.