Add your book’s cover to the front of these new LPC releases

Lars Klove for The New York Times Quest for the consumer: Advertising inserted into a 1972 science-fiction paperback by A. E. Van Vogt.

Lars Klove for The New York Times

ISummers’ Love, a romantic comedy from LPC, the author, Stu Summers argues that his novels should carry ads and support product placement. LPC is not going to go as far as selling product placement spots in our novels – yet. But we would like to test the idea of sponsorship. You know, like a public radio patron message. “This book is sponsored by …”

So … below are four forthcoming LPC releases. Each is linked to a PayPal donation page. If you would like to contribute a small amount of money to each of these titles in support of the title’s marketing, book launch, and all, please do so. In return your book’s cover will be featured at the front of the print and eBook (and linked within the eBook to your book’s appropriate eBook page.)

Look, I know this is way outside “the box.” But we’re willing to try almost anything provided it’s not immoral or part of a government-sponsored healthcare education initiative.

Pick a book (or several) make a small donation and become an LPC Corporate Sponsor. 🙂

Chasing The Butterfly  by Jayme Mansfield (Oct 14, 2014)

The Yuletide Angel by Sandra Ardoin (Oct 15, 2014)

Crashing Into Christmas by Yvonne Lehman (Oct 20, 2014)

Red Zone by Kelli Hughett (Nov 2, 2014)

Chasing The Butterfly  by Jayme Mansfield (Oct 14, 2014)  _____ The Yuletide Angel Paperback – October 15, 2014 _____ Crashing Into Christmas - Where Family Traditions, Holiday Joy, and Seasonal Scandals Collide Paperback – October 20, 2014  _____ Red Zone - Sometimes, an athlete's biggest play is made off the field Paperback – November 2, 2014

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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