How do you pitch to podcasters? With over 464 million podcasts out there, have you ever considered pitching yourself, your idea, or a great discussion question to podcasters? Join Eddie and Diana on Reality Coaching for Writers today as they discuss the how-to and benefits of creating such a pitch. #RealityCoachingforWriters #writerscommunity #writer #podcastlife #podcast
How to Pitch to Podcasters
With over 464 million podcasts out there, have you ever considered pitching yourself, your idea, or a great discussion question to podcasters? Join Eddie and Diana on Reality Coaching for Writers today as they discuss the how-to and benefits of creating such a pitch. #RealityCoachingforWriters #writerscommunity #writer #podcastlife #podcast
Summary of the Key Points in this Podcast
We recently came across an article on Jane Friedman’s website by Amy Bernstein. She listed some ways to add to your book launch theme, but let’s also think about building our platform and getting the word out. There are 4,647 million podcasts. Not everyone will want to hear from Eddie Jones or Diana Flegal, but within that vast number, there are many that we could pitch our book projects or our area of expertise to.
So, when you’re pitching, you’re writing a pitch letter or email, similar to pitching an agent or editor at a publishing house. First, pick a podcaster whose audience would be interested in what you have to offer. Address what you want to discuss, and make it clear what you can bring to the table. Acknowledge their audience’s interests, and mention your expertise.
Describe your brand succinctly, without rambling. Mention that you’d be willing to discuss broader topics. Once you get your basic pitch letter down, you can tailor it to specific podcast guidelines.
As for other things, think about what else you can talk about within your expertise. Keep your pitches concise, and don’t pitch yourself as just selling a book. Pitch an idea or a great question that would be fun to explore.
Remember, podcasting is an excellent way to share your knowledge and connect with new audiences, and it’s a wide-open market. So, make the most of it and get your message out there.
Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
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