Do not make me the leader. Isaiah 3:7
Lord, I cannot lead – I can only follow you. Help me today to stay close to your heels. Though the path that leads to life is narrow and few find it, you have promised to never leave me. Remain close today.
They parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Isaiah 3:9
Lord, we are a proud people. We flaunt our sin and defy your laws. Please forgive our sin. Turn us back towards you.
The righteous will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Isaiah 3:10
You promise that the righteous will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Bless me. Make me holy through the blood of your Son. May you turn me from iniquity into your arms.
Please help Lorraine and her husband make decisions based on your Will, not theirs.
The power steering on Judy’s car went out. She needs help with the repairs so she can drive to the grocery store.
Jacqueline desperately needs of a job. She is disabled and can only work from home. She has a fully functional home office with everything . . . except work and an employer. She was a Paralegal for 25+ years. She would love to glorify you through her work at home.
Anita suffers from depression. She is disabled and trying to keep her and her family fed, clothed and sheltered. Her car doesn’t run, and her mom will have back surgery next month. Please care and comfort Anita and her family. Lift the cloud pressing down upon her.
Now that we have prayed about these things, I feel much happier, and even if the decision ends up differently than I /we thought, I can praise Him, because through Him we can turn to Him and glorify Him where we are going to land up.
He will never leave us or forsake us, no matter which country we end up in.