Calling All Christian Romance Authors

Calling All Christian Romance Authors


Announcing the opening of the 2021 Faith, Hope and Love Reader’s Choice Award, sponsored by the Faith, Hope and Love Chapter of RWA. Books published in 2020 are eligible.

All authors of Christian fiction are welcome to enter. They do not have to be members of any set group. There are seven categories available: Long Contemporary, Short Contemporary, Long Historical, Short Historical, Women’s Fiction, Romantic Suspense, and Novella.

The FHLRCA is the only contest that is solely for Christian fiction and judged by readers of Christian fiction who are not involved in the writing industry. This is an excellent opportunity to get your author’s work in front of new readers who love to tell fellow readers about books they love.

If you would like more information, the rules and entry form can be found on the FHL website: You can also email me directly for information: Please share this information with your authors and the other editors at your publishing house.

Nancy J. Farrier
FHLRCA Coordinator