The Brave New AI Writing World


This episode of #RealityCoachingforWriters leans into the brave new AI writing world by offering a few positives we can look forward to. #writingwithAI #thebenifitsofAI #helpforwriters #writingadvice

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers. For more information, check out:

Move from Preaching to Caring

Turn Your Articles, Blog Posts, and Books into Content that Sells

How do we turn our preaching into caring content? It starts with:

Empathetic Storytelling: Weave relatable anecdotes that showcase your understanding of your audience’s experiences.

Understanding Pain Points: Identify the challenges your readers face and address them with genuine concern.

Practical Solutions: Offer actionable advice that stems from a sincere desire to help your readers overcome their issues.

Authenticity Matters: Share personal stories of growth and learning to connect with your audience on a human level.

Active Listening: Engage with your audience’s feedback and respond with empathy and insights.

Subtle Advice Integration: Integrate advice into relatable scenarios rather than stating opinions outright.

Walk in Their Shoes: Write from the reader’s perspective, acknowledging their emotions and concerns.

Open Dialogue: Encourage discussions that allow readers to share their experiences and insights.

Tailored Solutions: Offer customized solutions that cater to your diverse readers’ needs and preferences.

Positive Impact: Keep the focus on helping and inspiring your readers rather than instructing or preaching.

Community Building: Foster a sense of community where readers feel cared for and supported.

Sincere Tone: Convey your message with a genuine and caring tone, showing that you truly value your readers’ well-being.

7 More Habits of Highly Successful Writers

Consistent Schedule: Writers stuck to a regular writing routine, dedicating specific times each day to focus on their craft.

Reading Widely: Successful writers read a variety of genres and styles to expand their horizons and gain new perspectives.

Embracing Failure: They understood that rejection and failure were part of the journey, using setbacks as motivation to improve.

Seeking Feedback: Writers actively sought constructive criticism from peers or mentors to refine their work and grow as writers.

Effective Time Management: They mastered the art of prioritization, allocating time not only for writing but also for research, editing, and relaxation.

Open to Inspiration: Successful writers stayed receptive to ideas from various sources, finding inspiration in everyday experiences and conversations.

Persistence: They never gave up on projects easily, pushing through challenges and obstacles to see their writing goals to completion.
Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out:

Unlock Your Writing Potential: Attend a Writers’ Conference!

Connect with like-minded individuals, seasoned authors, and industry experts. Gain valuable insights, hone your writing skills, and receive constructive feedback on your work. Immerse yourself in inspiring workshops, panels, and discussions that will take your writing to the edge of publication. Take advantage of the opportunities to network, learn, and grow as a writer. Below are a list of but a few Christian writers’ conferences that will help you advance in your writing journey.

Asheville Christian Writers Conference, February, Asheville, NC. The Asheville Christian Writers Conference is a small conference limited to 120 attendees. It will offer one-on-one mentoring and critiques with award-winning authors.

Carolina Christian Writers Conference, March, Spartanburg, SC. The Carolina Christian Writers Conference will offer tips and tricks on topics like book proposals, social networking, and pitching to editors and publishers.

Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference, late May, Ridgecrest, NC. The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference will offer a keynote speaker, workshops, and plenty of networking opportunities for new and seasoned writers.

Write to Publish Conference, June, Wheaton, Illinois. Write-to-Publish, which is owned and managed by the Christian Writers Institute will host a conference with a focus on networking.

Realm Makers 2023, St.Louis, MO. Realm Makers is specifically designed for Christian writers who write speculative fiction.

Taylor University Professional Writers Conference, July, Upland, IN. Sponsored by Taylor University’s nationally recognized Professional Writing major, this conference stresses tools and tips for getting your writing into print. You’ll learn from professional writers and network with agents and editors who can take you to the next level in your writing.

Write His Answer VIRTUAL Christian Writers Conference, August. Our VIRTUAL conference offers LIVE Teaching Sessions, Keynote Speakers, Round Table Discussions, and FREE appointments with agents and editors of your choice! Plus … you have access to all recorded sessions for the rest of the year!

Florida Christian Writers Conference, October, Leesburg, FL. This conference will include workshops, VIP breakfasts with special speakers, and the chance to connect to agents, editors, and award-winning writers.

West Coast Christian Writers Conference, October, Roseville, CA. At the West Coast Christian Writers Conference, you’ll find 40+ workshops, round table discussions, and coaching and critique appointments.

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out: