How the Second Coming of Jesus Could Happen By 2033

2033 Jesus

 This is not an endorsement of a political party or individual, but only an observation.
I’m not saying THIS WILL HAPPEN. I’m only saying IT COULD HAPPEN.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

* Democratic nominee locked in by May of 2020.

* June 2020 polls show Democratic nominee leading Trump in key battleground states Trump needs to win to be re-elected. (Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania). Polls show troubling numbers for him Texas and Arizona. In Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, North Carolina and Arizona the president and the Democratic nominee are polling even.

* By July stock market reacts and begins to slide as cautious investors plan for the possibility of a President who promises huge taxes on corporations, small businesses, and the wealthy.

* Ahead of forthcoming tax law changes, large corporations and the rich begin moving jobs offshore and wealth out of the country.

* By August of 2020 US economy dips into a recession. Unemployment jumps.

* Democrat wins election in November 2020 by promising

Open Boarders for Everyone

“Democrats believe that our fight to end systemic and structural racism in our country extends to our immigration system, including the policies at our borders and ports of entry, detention centers, and within immigration law enforcement agencies and their policies and operations. And Democrats will immediately halt enforcement of and rescind the Trump Administration’s un-American immigrant wealth test. We will also eliminate unfair barriers to naturalization, reduce application backlogs, and make our immigration processes faster, more efficient, and less costly.” – Democratic Party Platform

Universal Child Care for Everyone Living in America

 “Democrats Are Running on Universal Child Care—and Winning. ” – The American Prospect
“Democrats believe that making child care affordable and widely available is essential. We will provide funding to stabilize the sector and ensure child care and educational settings are able to meet the highest possible public health and worker safety standards.” – Democratic Party Platform

Free College for everyone living in America

“Many Democrats are proposing free or debt-free college for less-well-off students. Should be free.” – Washington Post
“We will shut down the school-to-prison pipeline, and build a school-to-opportunity pipeline in its place. We will make college affordable again, and give Americans relief from crushing student debt.” – Democratic Party Platform
“The Democratic Party also wants to make community college free, allowing students to get a two-year degree without paying a dime. Currently, students are unable to discharge their student debt if they file for bankruptcy. The Democratic Party wants to permit student loan discharge as a last resort for borrowers in challenging circumstances.” – College Finance 

Guaranteed Income for everyone living in America

Reparations for descendants of slaves and LGBT persons

“We believe Black lives matter, and will establish a national commission to examine the lasting economic effects of slavery, Jim Crow segregation, and racially discriminatory federal policies on income, wealth, educational, health, and employment outcomes; to pursue truth and promote racial healing; and to study reparations.” – Democratic Party Platform

Affordable Housing for everyone living in America

“We have a nationwide shortage of affordable housing units, and tens of millions of Americans live in homes that pose risks to their health and safety. Homelessness has reached crisis proportions in a growing number of states, and housing costs that rise faster than wages have put the squeeze on renters in many of our biggest cities. Housing in America should be stable, accessible, safe, healthy, energy efficient, and, above all, affordable. No one should have to spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing.” – Democratic Party Platform

Free Medicare for everyone living in America

* 3 months into new president’s first term, Democratic Congress cuts military spending to pay for promised social programs.

* July 2021 US economy plunges into a depression.

* Fall of 2021 the military, being the military, does what it always does when someone takes their guns. It fights back. Rumors swirl of a potential military coup.

* Spring of 2022 crime in most cities is out of control. Martial law takes affect in large towns. Things become chaotic with the military, police, and home guards staking out their turf.

* Winter 2022 the national debt reaches 53 percent of GDP. Neither the Democrats or Republicans have the will to address the nation’s soaring debt problem.  The U.S. defaults on its Treasury Notes. (The U.S. briefly did this in 1979;  it wasn’t pretty.)

* Early 2023 the global economy plunges into a full-blown melt-down.

* China can’t sell its wares to the US.

* As India’s economy implodes, riots lead to violence and a government crackdown.

* Briton, no longer in the EU, watches as neighboring countries scramble to mount a defense against Russia’s advances across Europe.

* Many Americans rush to the plain states and midwest to avoid lawlessness in urban cities.

* 2024 Yellowstone erupts. (Recently the volcano has shown increased activity.) 1/3 rd of Americans die.

* 2024 Greenland melts due to warming glaciers and fallout from Yellowstone’s volcanic ash. Sea levels suddenly rise two feet, flooding major East coast US cities. (not completely but enough to washout roads and mass transit)

* 2025 Earthquakes send the West Coast into panic and darkness (electrical grid infrastructure issues). Due to the toxic state of the midwest West Coast refuges cannot reach the East Coast.

* 2026 An asteroid hits Russia, wiping out half of Europe.

* 2026 The seven years of tribulation begins.

* 2033 Jesus returns.

* Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. hailed as a prophet.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

One thought on “How the Second Coming of Jesus Could Happen By 2033

  1. Just a beaming ray of sunshine, you are. So, I can go ahead and spend Caleb’s tuition on that RV we want?

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