The Power of Encouragement

The "Inspired" Magic of Writing with Believers

In this episode, we explore the power of encouragement and the inspiration that a community of believers brings to the writing process. Join us as we discuss the importance of being involved in a writing group of individuals who not only share a passion for writing but also genuinely believe in your talent, message, and the value of your work.

Unlike traditional critique groups, where the primary focus is on analyzing and providing constructive criticism, an encourager-based writing group inspires writers to flourish and thrive. We discuss how such an environment can fuel creativity, boost confidence, and provide the necessary motivation to overcome obstacles and self-doubt.

Drawing from personal experiences and anecdotes, we highlight the numerous benefits of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who not only appreciate your writing style but also find joy in the stories you weave. We explore how their support, kind words, and genuine enthusiasm can help you push through challenges, navigate creative slumps, and maintain a positive mindset throughout your writing journey.

Additionally, we share practical tips on finding or creating an encourager-based writing group, whether through local meetups, online platforms, or cultivating relationships within existing writing communities. Tune in to this episode to learn how surrounding yourself with an encouraging writing group can breathe new life into your writing and help you finish that next project.

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out:

“AI could turn book writing from a craft into a commodity.”-Reuters

This whole AI ChatGPT discussion reminds me of Disco. If you suffered through the musical drought of the 70s and 80s brought on by the adaptation of the synthesizer then you know “rinse and repeat” content has a limited shelf life. At some point the steady back beat, the predictable horns, and other arrangements that seemed fresh at first ( thumbs up to Saturday Night Fever for catching the wave early), became tired and tinny. Reason being, there was no soul to the music. The tunes possessed no life or meaning.

AI ChatGPT content is the same. There’s a reason why a writer spends hours on a paragraph, days on a scene, years on a novel. They pour themselves into the work. This goes for nonfiction and fiction. Sure, AI ChatGPT could easily crank out a Hallmark romance. The formula is so predictable a chimp could be taught to write the plot.

But in the hands of real author, a Hallmark romance can become magical. Why? Because that author brings a unique perspective to the story that only she or he can tell.

The bigger issue with AI ChatGPT is that it crowds out other “authored” works. So from that perspective, AI ChatGPT is a concern. For every Disco hit of 70s and 80s another artist missed landing on the Top 40.

Maybe AI ChatGPT is better than my works. If so, that’s on me. But at least my writing, good or bad, is still mine.

Four Free Marketing Assets Many Authors Skip

Writing Videos for the Beginning Writer

Today on Reality Coaching for Writers we discuss four free marketing assets many authors skip.

* Do you have an Amazon Author page?
* Do you have a YouTube channel?
* Have your created a Google Business page?
* Have you crated A+ Content on your book’s Amazon page?
Marketing & Distribution A+ Content:
A+ Content Examples

Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out:

Step Up Your Writing Game in 2023 | Writing Hacks and Mistakes to Avoid

Writing Videos for the Beginning Writer

Are you looking for ways to step up your writing game in the New Year? Eddie and Diana share a few mistakes to avoid and hacks to help you write tighter in this episode of Reality Coaching for Writers!
Eddie Jones and Diana Flegal offer personalized coaching for writers.
For more information, check out:

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