Writing Craft Coaching
Plotting Simplified
In this class you’ll learn how to map your story using the plot points that mark every journey. From introduction and motivation to the hero/heroine’s moment of maxim angst, you’ll see how easy it is to develop a story line and keep your characters on the path to a compelling climax. Learn how to introduce the Great Disturbance, what 4 Questions you should ask of your plot, how to chart the 13 Passage Markers, manage your Plot Points, the 7 Keys to every good plot, when Worry, Conflict and Disaster spells success for the writer, how to introduce your Major Dramatic Question.
Creating Compelling Characters
Compelling characters are larger than life. They risk more, laugh often and love with passion. In this session you’ll learn how to invent both likable and loathsome characters, winners and losers, heroes and villains. In this class you’ll learn how to build motivation, focus flaws, and explore the feelings or your characters. You’ll see how conflict, crisis and consequences shape your characters. We’ll show you how to find the right character for your story, motivate your hero and heroin, and how the “off-beat sidekick” can provide comic relief for your story.
Been There, “Scene” That!
Making a scene is as easy as ABCD – Action, Background, Conflict & Decision. In this class you’ll learn how to frame each scene of your story. A good scene reveals information that moves the story forward (new goals, old secrets, hidden motives), shows conflict between characters (adds tension), deepens the character’s development, and creates suspense (introduces a new wrinkle that leaves the reader hanging). Learn the three keys to scene summary, how to create memorable moments in your story, what four questions you should ask of each scene.
Dramatic Dialogue
Dialogue can breathe life into any fiction or non-fiction story. In this class we cover: Scene & space – A scene is: Doing (Action) Thinking (Narrative) and Talking (Dialogue). Tools– A writer has a number of tools for story building: narration, action, description, and dialogue Stickiness – How dialogue sticks with us Tags – When to tag, when to skip tags & where to place tags Types – Direct, Reflective, Misdirected, Modulated, Descriptive, Breathless, & Compressed Tips – When to circle back, go silent, & add gestures Punctuation – Where to put those marks and quotes.
Funny You Should Say That
Learn how to make your point with a punch line. Yes, there is a formula to funny. In this workshop we’ll explore the basics of humor, explain why we laugh, and lay the foundation for witty writing. You’ll learn how oddly-paired elements can lead to laughs, the power of play on words, how a well-turned reverse can deliver smiles and laughs. This session covers the reason why we laugh and why humor helps sell stories, novels, and nonfiction. With humor, a joke is a story and a surprise ending is a financial payoff.
Turning Personal Experiences into Parables – Writing Devotions for Impact
In this class, you will learn how to draw readers into your devotion, article or story with the “Hook, Book, Look, Took” method of writing. Devotionals are compact stories, (think of the parables of Jesus) focused on a single topic that conveys a specific spiritual lesson. A devotional ministry can complement the advancement of a building campaign, mission work and church projects. For some, a devotion may be their only Bible for the day, so let us help you touch hearts, teach His Word and change lives.
Writing as a Ministry
It’s okay if you want to be writer…it’s better if you want to write for God. Writing really is a ministry and we’ll help you ask the questions and seek the discernment you need to write for Christ. Learn the different avenues of writing that will lead you to writing inspirational work for websites, blogs, obituaries, church newsletters, weekly newspapers and more. This coaching session gives you direction to serve Christ both in a paying and non-paying venue. You’ll be surprised at the ways you can write for Christ.
Price varies depending upon class size. One-on-one coaching available. Email Eddie (eddie@eddiejones.org ) for more information.
Book Publishing Coaching
How to Launch Your Book with CreateSpace and Kindle Publishing
Skip publishers, bypass self-publishing firms and launch your book yourself! Topics include: Kindle submission, the Pros & Cons of Kindles KDP Select program, how to set up your CreateSpace account and upload your first print book, where to find great book cover designers you can afford, how to outsource the interior design of your print and ebook, plus much more. For $500 I will guide you – but NOT publish your book. YOU are the publisher. Don’t pay thousands to self-publish your book! Do it yourself for under $1000. (My fee, plus what you will pay for interior design, proofing, cover design, etc …)
The Top Ten Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make
Tired of waiting for that book contract? Feel God calling you to publish right now? In this class we will review the top ten mistakes authors make when they self publish and how you can launch your book with a roadmap for success.
Why A Small Press Could Be Your Best Route to Publishing Success
In this session we will explore the path to a profitable writing carrier via traditional (not self-pub), royalty-paying independent book publishers (Indies). Learn how eBooks, Print On Demand and book distribution into Christian bookstores can lead to regular royalty checks. We will examine sales figures, royalty profit statements, and discuss the risks and benefits associated with signing a book contract with an indie publisher.
An Overview of E-book / POD Publishing
Not long ago, aspiring authors and novelists traveled a predictable path to publication. Write a great book, attend writers’ conferences, pitch to editors and agents and wait for a contract. But now, as the tectonic plates of the publishing shift, authors find themselves scrambling to find their footing (and book contracts) in this new e-Book, Print On Demand, world. Join us as we explore why so many authors are going around the traditional gatekeepers and finding success with small, boutique publishing houses.
One Book, Two Books, Three Books, More!
One book is fine and two books are better, but all that writing and editing is hard work. Learn how to collaborate with others and become the editor of a series of books. In this class we will show you how to solicit stories and testimonies from others (even non-writers!) and teach you the top five ways you, as book editor, can write more, sell more, and help more people through a series of compilation books. Begin to build buzz, grow your readership base, and garner interviews before your book launches.
Price varies depending upon class size. One-on-one coaching available. Email Eddie (eddie@eddiejones.org) for more information.
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