{"id":6187,"date":"2024-06-09T00:00:26","date_gmt":"2024-06-09T04:00:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/eddiejones.org\/?p=6187"},"modified":"2024-06-26T18:45:33","modified_gmt":"2024-06-26T22:45:33","slug":"four-keys-to-receiving-more-book-sales-from-god","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/eddiejones.org\/four-keys-to-receiving-more-book-sales-from-god\/","title":{"rendered":"Four Keys to Receiving More Book Sales from God"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"FourThe world of writing and book publishing for authors<\/strong> can be tough, but with the right book sales strategies, you can find success. Below are faith-based tips for increasing book sales<\/strong>, improving your book sales strategies<\/strong>, gaining more book sales success<\/strong>, applying book sales advice<\/strong>,\u00a0and book sales secrets<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

We know the story: God gives more talents to some than others. One might receive a single talent, another two, others five or more. Those who have much receive more. What gives?<\/span><\/p>\n

“Thanks” \u2014 that’s what gives. Thanks, gratitude, praise, and effort\u00a0grows the “only” of your small fish and few loaves.<\/span><\/p>\n

Here are four simple things we must do to tap into God’s marketing power.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

First<\/strong>, we need to believe that God is good. Jesus says He came that we might have abundance (John 10:10), not\u00a0merely\u00a0get by until we die. God wants us to grow, succeed, and prosper (Genesis 1:28). We might say that the Good News is the original prosperity\u00a0gospel \u2014\u00a0or at least an expansion of the prosperity message delivered in the Law.<\/p>\n

The first two servants knew God’s heart to be good. The servant with one talent believed God to be hard-hearted \u2014 a taker rather than a giver.\u00a0“I knew\u00a0that you\u00a0are a hard man, so I was afraid. Here is what belongs to you.” Fear and the expectation\u00a0of working for nothing<\/b><\/em>\u00a0caused this man to\u00a0do nothing<\/b><\/em>. The result? The one-talent author got\u00a0exactly\u00a0what he feared: nothing.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Next<\/strong>, we\u00a0need to\u00a0acknowledge that\u00a0we have received<\/b><\/em>\u00a0a gift from God. The first two servants\u00a0knew<\/b><\/em>\u00a0the One who gave them the talents.\u00a0The third servant knew about God, but he didn’t really know God, nor did he\u00a0acknowledge that the talent was his to use.\u00a0Many do not accept their gifts, look for gifts, or expect to receive gifts from God. Worse, when they receive a talent they do not expect much of a harvest. But even a one-book author can enjoy great success. Consider these one-book novelists.<\/p>\n

Anna Sewell,\u00a0Black Beauty<\/em>\u00a0(1877), Emily\u00a0Bront\u00eb,\u00a0Wuthering Heights<\/em>\u00a0(1847), Boris\u00a0Pasternak,\u00a0Doctor Zhivago<\/em>\u00a0(1957), Margaret\u00a0Mitchell,\u00a0Gone With the Wind<\/em>\u00a0(1936), J.D.\u00a0Salinger,\u00a0The Catcher in the Rye<\/em>\u00a0(1951).\u00a0 \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Or how about Sarah Young’s\u00a0Jesus Calling<\/em>?\u00a0Published in 2004 by Thomas Nelson,\u00a0Jesus Calling\u00a0only\u00a0<\/b><\/em>sold 59,000 copies in its\u00a0first three years: 20,000<\/b><\/em>\u00a0a year. Not bad, but that little book would do so much more!\u00a0 Sales took off in 2008, with the book selling over\u00a0200,000<\/b><\/em>\u00a0copies that year. As of 2023,\u00a0Jesus Calling<\/em>\u00a0has sold over 45 million copies, making it one of the most successful devotionals\u00a0of all time.<\/span><\/p>\n

Are we catching the vision of what God will do with our talents when we are faithful (filled with faith)?<\/span><\/p>\n

Consider\u00a0The Shack:<\/em>\u00a026 houses rejected it so Paul Young, Wayne Jacobson, and Brad Cummings\u00a0chipped in\u00a0$5,000 a piece to self-publish the book. They attracted 1,000 orders\u00a0by the time\u00a0the first 10,000 copies came out in May 2007. They gave away copies to\u00a0friends,\u00a0at talks, and at a book trade show in Nashville.\u00a0Suddenly<\/b><\/em>, churches began ordering copies in bulk. Pastors discussed the novel in their sermons; Bible study groups picked it apart; grief counselors gave it to their patients. By\u00a0December\u00a0Windblown had sold\u00a088,000 copies<\/b><\/em>. After\u00a0their small publishing company had sold roughly 1 million copies, Hachette Book Group USA agreed to partner in the printing and distribution of\u00a0The Shack<\/em>\u00a0in exchange for half the profits (plus operating expenses).<\/span><\/p>\n

The lesson? It’s always too soon to give up on what God will do.<\/span><\/p>\n

Third<\/strong>, we need to\u00a0use<\/b><\/em>\u00a0the gifts we’ve been given. The first two servants used their talents and gained more. The lazy, wicked servant did nothing and lost his. The phrase, “Use it or lose it.” is a kingdom of God principle. Whatever open doors come your way, test to see if the opportunity would glorify God. If so, walk through until He tells you to stop. Look for cheap to free ways to market, promote, and give away copies of your book.<\/p>\n

I use prlog.org to distribute free press releases of my ministry work and book efforts. Free social media updates work provided you are offering to help and encourage others, not hawk your books. I’ve tried Amazon, BookBub, Facebook, and Google ads. In the end, using the Holy Spirit’s power and believing God’s promises provides more peace and sales for less money.<\/span><\/p>\n

Finally<\/strong>, we need to give thanks for what we receive. When Jesus fed the 5000 and later the\u00a07000\u00a0he gave thanks for all He received (a few fish and some bread). When we thank God for the small and large, we can be sure our attitude of gratitude will lead to\u00a0growth.<\/p>\n

Trust God for your provision and book sales, not in formulas. The\u00a0only<\/i><\/b>\u00a0increase formula we find in the story is from the master who scolded the lazy, wicked servant for not investing the talent with a bank. We cannot forecast or formulate God: we can only worship Him.<\/p>\n

God does miracles with whatever we receive, big or small. Miraculous multiplication follows when we acknowledge the gifts we’ve received, use them for the good of others, trust God for increase, and thank Him\u00a0in advance<\/b><\/em>\u00a0for the manifestation. When we do\u00a0this\u00a0our capacity will grow, and we will see God’s provision in our life \u2014 and if you’re called to write for him, book sales.<\/span><\/p>\n

God wants us to grow and prosper, not rest and rust. Read, receive, believe, and live by the verses below.<\/span><\/p>\n

Growth<\/strong>: James 4:10, Proverbs 3:1-2, 2 Timothy 3:17, John 15:10-12, 8, 14:15, Luke 2:49, Isaiah 41:10<\/p>\n

Success<\/strong>: 1 Kings 2:3, Philippians 4:13, Joshua 1:5, 7-8, 1 Chronicles 22:13<\/p>\n

Prosperity<\/strong>: Psalm 37:4, 7, 16, 25-26, 68:19, 84:11, 92:12-15, 112:1-9, 115:11-16, 122:6-7, 132:12-18, 145:8-9, Proverbs 3:9-10, 8:17-21, 10:2-6, 11:25, 13:4, 19:17, 28:13, 25, 27, Ecclesiastes 5:19, Isaiah 1:19, 58:10-11, Jeremiah 17:7-8, 29:11, Malachi 3:10-12, Acts 14:17, Galatians 6:6-10, Philippians 4:19, Titus 3:8, Hebrews 7:19-22, 11:6, James 1:17, 3 John 2<\/p>\n

Sign up to receive encouraging, faith-based marketing and sales tips.<\/strong><\/span>
