2023 MindSite News™ – “Fantasy fiction book sales increased dramatically in the past three years just as teen depression, anxiety and mental illness skyrocketed – parallel trends that may be both a symptom of the pandemic and a possible remedy, literary and mental health experts say.
“In 2021, fantasy sales went up 45% compared to 2020, the largest increase among all genres except for graphic novels, according to Wordsrated.com, an international industry research organization. Barnes & Noble CEO James Daunt attributes some of this to improved marketing strategies. But mental health care professionals believe that there is a better explanation.
“ ‘Our worlds became very small [during the pandemic] and…fantasy fiction provided this vast opportunity to delve into worlds unknown and worlds unseen and worlds unexperienced,’ said Melissa Sporn, a clinical psychologist who treats adolescents and children as well as adults.”
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