Calling All Christian Romance Authors

Calling All Christian Romance Authors


Announcing the opening of the 2021 Faith, Hope and Love Reader’s Choice Award, sponsored by the Faith, Hope and Love Chapter of RWA. Books published in 2020 are eligible.

All authors of Christian fiction are welcome to enter. They do not have to be members of any set group. There are seven categories available: Long Contemporary, Short Contemporary, Long Historical, Short Historical, Women’s Fiction, Romantic Suspense, and Novella.

The FHLRCA is the only contest that is solely for Christian fiction and judged by readers of Christian fiction who are not involved in the writing industry. This is an excellent opportunity to get your author’s work in front of new readers who love to tell fellow readers about books they love.

If you would like more information, the rules and entry form can be found on the FHL website: You can also email me directly for information: Please share this information with your authors and the other editors at your publishing house.

Nancy J. Farrier
FHLRCA Coordinator

Join us for the
Asheville Christian Writers Conference
February 26, 27 and 28, 2021 the years following the formation of Christian Devotions Ministries, our small staff of volunteers would gather at the Ridgecrest Conference Center outside of Black Mountain, North Carolina, and discuss how we could help writers and authors.

Back then served as our only online presence. After a few years of gathering with thirty or more writers, we decided we should offer those who drove up for the day some instruction. After all, they were giving up part of their weekend simply to help the ministry. That year Yvonne Lehman, Ann Tatlock, and several other award-winning authors offered classes on plotting, character development, and other ways to improve our writing. Thus began our next ministry: a Christian writing bootcamp.

Today we call that ministry The Asheville Christian Writers Conference.

All Christian writing is a battle cry, a call to rally around God’s words and act as a herald for his Kingdom. God calls us to step up and answer with the best work possible using the talents received. We are called together to focus our hearts on the task Christ assigned us . . . to strengthen our ties with one another and hone our craft of writing in order that we might clearly spread God’s message of love for all and to all through fiction and non-fiction books, screenplays, scripts, articles, and blogs.

Past attendees have gone on to write for Inspire A Fire, our online magazine, Christian Devotions, CBN Devotions, the Upper Room, and Some attendees have received book contracts from Iron Stream Media, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, and other book publishers.

This year we will offer both in person and  virtual options for attendees. Whether you join us online at or at The Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove, you will be challenged to improve, encouraged to persevere, and prayed for and pray with fellow believers who take serious the call of Christ to “go and make disciples in” his name.

If you wish to attend in person, we would love to see you! Currently, we have a limited number of rooms available for on-campus housing. Act fast to reserve a room on site at The Cove. Hotel space is available nearby, but staying at The Cove is a treat you will not want to miss.

ACWC from on Vimeo.