Did God Really Say He Is Jesus?

Yes ... yes he did

Did God Really Say He and Jesus Christ Are the Same?Did God really say he is Jesus?

Yes … yes he did.

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What Jesus said was: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” John 14:9 and “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

Then the Romans killed Jesus.

Who was God.

So is God dead?

Great question. Check back later to find out how and why the dead do not stay dead.


Image is a U.S. work in public domain in the U.S. for unspecified reason but presumably because it was published in the U.S. before 1924.

Did God Really Say I Could Not Eat Shrimp?

Yes ... yes he did.

Did God Really Say I Could Not Eat Shrimp?Did God really say I could not eat shrimp?

Yes … yes he did.

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What God said was: “Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams you may eat any that have fins and scales. But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales you are to regard as unclean. And since you are to regard them as unclean, you must not eat their meat. Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be regarded as unclean by you.” Leviticus 11:9-12

Shrimp, crab, lobster, oysters, clams, scallop  etc … these creatures are “bottom-dwellers” and the sea’s garbage collectors. God established dietary laws for the Israelites in part to separate his people and make them holy. Separate yourself to him. Invite his Holy Spirit to dwell within you. Become a fisher of men.

Image by NjoyHarmony from Pixabay

Did God Really Say I Should Put My Porta Potty Off-Site ?

Yes ... yes he did

Did God Really Say I Should Put My Porta Potty Off-Site ?Did God really say I should put my porta potty off-site?

Yes … yes he did.

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What God said was: “Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself.” Deuteronomy 23:12

So boys, take it to the woods. Don’t simply step around the corner and go. Let’s keep our streets, sidewalks, and school grounds safe and clean. God thanks you and the rest of us thank you.

Image by mrandolph from Pixabay

Did God Really Say I Cannot Get a Tattoo ?

Yes ... yes he did.

Did God Really Say I Cannot Get a Tattoo ?Did God really say I cannot get a tattoo?

Yes … yes he did.

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What God said was: “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:28

Some argue that the word used in this verse cannot possibly mean the same as our current understanding of tattoo since that word did not enter into the English language until the late 1700s. Regardless of the subtleties of the translated word found in Leviticus, the principle remains the same: God created men and women in his image. And in his eyes you look fine, regardless of your shape, size, skin color, freckles, pimples, or scars. If you wish to make a mark, change what’s inside your heart. Do that and you will attract others – regardless of your outward appearance.

Did God Really Say We Should Not Have Sex With Sheep?

Yes ... yes he did.

Did God Really Say We Should Not Have Sex With Sheep?Did God Really Say We Should Not Have Sex With Sheep?

Yes … yes he did.

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What God said was: “‘If a man has sexual relations with an animal, he is to be put to death, and you must kill the animal. If a woman approaches an animal to have sexual relations with it, kill both the woman and the animal.” Leviticus 20: 15-16

So please leave the sheep alone. God and his animals thank you.

Did God Really Say We Should Not Listen To Fortune Tellers?

Yes ... yes he did.

Did God Really Say We Should Not Listen To Fortune Tellers?Did God really say we should avoid psychics, tarot card readers and fortune tellers?

Yes … yes he did.

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What God said was: A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads. Leviticus 20: 27

medium is said to have psychic abilities but not all psychics function as mediums. The term clairvoyance, for instance, may include seeing spirit and visions instilled by the spirit world.

Spiritism is a spiritualistic philosophy and the study of “the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world.”

Christ said “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34. Place your future in God’s hands and rest in peace.