1974 – State wins ACC and NCAA Championships (Odd I would begin with God working on my behalf in order that State would become champions, but God loves me best : He also loves you best.)
1978 – Met my wife at a stoplight in West Palm Beach Florida
1997 – “God loves Eddie so much he created the Internet so Eddie could have a job.” – Dale Dexter. With my job at Dillard Paper in jeopardy, out of the blue a headhunter calls to ask if I want to work for IBM building web pages.
2009 – God asks (through the voice of Ann Tatlock), “So, when are you going to quit your job and do this full time?” (Meaning work for Christian Devotions Ministries and write for a living.)
2012 – Jeff and Rebecca fly us out to Washington State for a week-long vacation over the Forth of July. On the last day before we are to fly out, my business partner at cruisersnet.net emails to say he is buying me out. We have provision for another year.
2019 – Iron Stream Media buys LPC
Prayer proceeded all these God moments. What is your God moment?