Five Practical Steps From Jesus About How to Market Our Books

Book Marketing Jesus' Way (Mark 8:1-8)

5 Practical Steps From Jesus About How to Market Our BooksWhen it comes to our book marketing efforts, Jesus offers several practical steps.  (Mark 8:1-8)

“He told the crowd to sit down on the ground.” First, sit and rest. Stop rushing about. Stop trying every new marketing program that comes along. Stop opening scam-spam emails that promise instant best-seller success. Stop wasting money on promotional efforts that promise results. How can any group promise results without first knowing you, your book, and its quality? Stop. Rest. You are in the Lord’s house. You are the Lord’s house (1 Corinthians 3:16). Relax and reflect upon him and his words.

“When he had taken the seven loaves, Jesus gave thanks.” Second, give thanks for what you have. This is key. An attitude of gratitude nourishes our soul. An attitude of gratitude nourishes the seeds we’ve sown. Bitterness salts our soul and soil. Be grateful for the books you’ve written. Be grateful for the book you are writing. Be grateful for the author connections you’ve made. Be grateful for the reviews you’ve received, both good and bad. (There is almost always a nugget of truth in every negative review. Let us find those truths and learn from them.) Be grateful for past, present, and future book sales. Be grateful at all times, in all circumstances.

“Jesus broke the seven loaves.” Third, divide what you have. Do not hoard your harvest. We do not gather to store and protect, but to share. We can not give with clinched fists. Ours must be an attitude of open hands that generously give to others. If you have books sitting on a shelf gathering dust, ask who needs to be fed with an inspired word, story, sermon, or lesson. Then give away your book. Trust that the Lord of the harvest will provide more seed. No books gathering dust? Ask who needs to be fed with an inspired word, story, sermon, or lesson. Buy your books. Pay to ship your books. The prisons are filled with individuals who love to receive mail — and sometimes books. If you do not know of someone incarcerated, go to this link and simply search by your last name (as an example). Pick an inmate and ship a book.

“Jesus gave the seven loaves to his disciples to distribute to the people.” Fourth, ask your disciples to distribute your books to new readers. We cannot do all the work. We need help from others. We need our tribe of loyal supporters to join with us in our ministry. And yes, our writing is ministry work. In the same way you might ship books to an inmate, ask your disciples to do the same on your behalf. Ask them to share with others why you write for God’s glory.

“The disciples did so” Finally, follow up. Make sure your tribe of disciples have completed their tasks. Do not simply instruct, but also exhort, encourage, and praise. We lead by coming under and behind others with God’s Spirit of love, joy, and peace. Be a blessing to others and others will be drawn to you.

Be encouraged! Believe! The eyes of the Lord roam about the earth looking to bless and strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

The Lord remembers us and will bless us. He will bless his people. He will bless those who fear the Lord— small and great alike. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 115:12-15)

The Keys to Marketing Your Book — Is Your Book Inspired?

Book Marketing Jesus' Way Matthew 16:15-17

The Keys to Marketing Your Book — Is Your Book Inspired?Inspiration always precedes revelation.

Inspiration from the spirit of the flesh will produce one type of revelation. It may come as a surprising idea, shocking suggestion, or secret objective.

Inspiration from the Holy Spirit will produce a different revelation — one birthed in power and truth.

When Jesus asked Simon Peter, ““Who do you say I am?” the disciple answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

What birthed Simon’s response? Why did he answer in this way? If his intent was to flatter Jesus in order to gain favor, we would expect Jesus to rebuke Simon for his duplicity. But Jesus does not.

Instead Simon makes a shocking pronouncement and Jesus confirms his words. Simon declares that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited Messiah that has come to save and liberate God’s people.

Where did Simon get this idea? How could Simon know this even as the Jewish leaders and teachers did not?

“This revelation was not given to you by the spirit of man,” Jesus said, “but by my Father in heaven. This truth he has revealed to you.”

Has God’s Holy Spirit spoken a secret word, a hidden truth to you with regards to your book?

Are you convinced that your writing is inspired or are you simply producing works based on your own flesh-spirit’s motivation?

That which God breathes life into will live — even books. He breathes life into dead bones, into bread, into wine.

If your words glorify the Father, bring them before Christ. Offer your works as a sacrifice. Give your best writing to the Father. Then ask that Christ bless them and breathe life into your books.

Simon became “Peter,” “Petros,” Πέτρος, a pebble — a stone to be tossed. And on this pebble Jesus built his Church. The Kingdom of God advances one word, one phrase, one truth at a time.

Be inspired. Believe!

Five Encouraging Statements From Jesus About Our Book Marketing Efforts

Book Marketing Jesus' Way

Five Encouraging Statements From Jesus About Your Book Marketing EffortsWhen it comes to our book marketing efforts, Jesus makes several encouraging statements. (Mark 8:1-8)
“I have compassion for you.”

“You are with me.”

“You are hungry.”

“You are weak.”

“You have come a long way.”

Let’s explore how these five statements can lead to an expanded area of influence for us, an enlarged sales territory, and an abundant harvest, not for our benefit, but for his.

“I have compassion for you.” We do not need to beg Jesus to bless our books, our writing, our ministry of speaking, teaching, and preaching. He feels for us. He is sensitive to our circumstances. He is concerned for us. Because Jesus cares for our welfare, physical and spiritual health, and vocation, our Father in heaven is eager to give good things to them that ask. (Matthew 7:11)

“You are with me.” We can do a great many things on our own, but when we are with Jesus and in our Father’s will, we can do even greater things than Jesus. (John 14:12-14) Jesus said to his disciples, “You are in me, and I am in you.” (John 14:20) “In that day (when we see Jesus in his risen-from-the-grave glory) you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.”

What a tremendous promise and blessing! Jesus wants your books to sell. He desires that your influence for him grows. Our task is to make sure our hands and thoughts remain clean and pure, that there is nothing in our past or present that will diminish his glory by our actions. If there is anything in your past that needs to be confessed, healed, and cleaned, bring it to Jesus.

“You are hungry.” Those who are full and satisfied may not feel the urgency that comes with hunger. We do. We crave God’s blessings, his power, his purpose in our lives, his anointing. Those who are empty can and will be filled to fullness, pressed, shaken down, and running over into soaked laps. If you’re hungry for success, prepare to be blessed.

“You are weak.” The weak are blessed. God works miracles through those who are weak. “I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121)

No social media presence? No problem for God. His presence is with you.

No platform? Our platform is in helping our neighbor.

No agent? God is in the business of connecting us with just the right person at just the right time. (Genesis 24:12-16)

Those who are poor in spirit are blessed. Those too broken-hearted to hope are comforted. In the kingdom of our Father are all the resources we will ever need. (Matthew 5:3)

“You have come a long way.” You have done a lot, written much, tried many things. You are not at the beginning of your writing journey but far along the path. You have put in the hours to improve your craft, learned from others, and built relationships with established authors, agents and editors. You have invested much.

But what have you harvested?

If we have planted much, but harvested little. (Haggai 1:6), let us check to see if God’s holy temple, our bodies, remain in ruins due to sin. While each of us is busy with our own affairs, we should check to see if we have neglected to spend time with our Father. (Haggai 1:9)

We have come a long way. Let us come further and fall into the arms of Jesus. Let him cleanse us. Let him teach us. Let him guide us. Let him love us. Let him lead us.

Then expect the seed you’ve sown to produce a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was scattered. (Matthew 13:8) This is book marketing Jesus’ way.

Believe and be blessed!

“Valley of Dry Bones” — Ezekiel 37:1-10

Book Marketing Jesus' Way

Dry Bones PublishingThe hand of the Lord is upon us.

He brings us forward by the Spirit of the Lord.

He leads us back and forth among dry areas in our life. These “Valley of Dry Bones” are very dry. Brittle dry. Dead bones dry.

For those with ears to hear, the Lord says, “Say to them, ‘Dry bone hear the word of the Lord.’ This is what the Sovereign Lord says to you bones:

  • I will make breath enter you
  • You will come to life
  • I will attach tendons to you
  • I will make flesh come upon you
  • I will cover you with skin
  • I will put breath in you
  • You will come to life
  • You will know that I am the Lord

When we speak, when we prophesy to dry bones, there is first:

  • A noise
  • Then a rattling sound
  • The bones come together
  • Tendons and flesh appear on them
  • Skin covers them
  • But there is no breath in the dry bones

The Lord says to us, “Prophesy to the breath. Say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Come from the four winds, breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live!'”

The result of our prophesy is this:

  • Breath enters the dry areas of our life
  • The dead come to life
  • They stand on their feet
  • What had been dry bones become an army

This is your word of encouragement from the Sovereign Lord.

Prophesy to those areas in your life that are dry, dead, in need of renewal.

Authors, prophesy to your books. Breathe life into them. Expect breath to enter them. Watch for them to come to life. Prepare to be amazed as they stand on their feet. With faith, your books will become a vast army.

Zeek 37:1-10

Receiving Healing and Help from God — Jesus Rebukes Unbelief: Finding Faith for the Struggling Writer

Luke 9:37-42, Mark 9:14-28, Matthew 17:14-20

After the nine disciples cast out the demon it did not leave the boy. Perhaps at that point doubt entered their minds. Had they done something wrong? Failed to use the right words?

Some time earlier we find a group of demons negotiating with Jesus. Did the Nine use that event to justify their unbelief?

A man filled with a demon ran and fell on his knees in front of Jesus. Jesus had said to the demon, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”

The demon shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”

Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion, for we are many.”

Let’s pause to consider the pronouns used by unclean spirits. First they lied to Jesus by claiming to be a singular spirit. But when Jesus demanded to know the spirit’s name, they confessed to be a group of spirits.

Second, the demon asked Jesus not to torture it. In fact over and over the demons begged Jesus to spare them.

The demon begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.

The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs.

The Nine would have recalled how Legion negotiated with Jesus, so when they attempted to cast it out, the demon may have sensed their weak faith and rejected their authority.

When Jesus arrives his first response is not to rebuke the evil spirits, but his disciples. He scolds them for their perverted skepticism.

“You unbelieving and perverse generation. How long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?” (Luke 9:41)

Receiving Healing and Help from God — Jesus Rebukes UnbeliefAnytime our actions and beliefs are contrary to what is right and good in God’s eyes we are in a state of depravity and perversion. Perversion brings about the opposite of what God intends. The Nine claimed to act on behalf of Jesus, but the fruit of their actions led to taunting by the religious leaders. Their perverse unbelief brought not honor, but dishonor to Jesus.

Doubt and indecision have no place in God’s healing and help. When we doubt, we are in agreement with the devil. When we are unsure if God wants us healed and helped, we deny Christ, for he said, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” He replied, “You have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) “This kind can come out only by prayer.” (Mark 9:28-29)

Pure faith and prayer are the keys to mighty works in the name of Jesus.

Jesus’ final action is to rebuke the unclean spirit and give the boy to his father whole, healed, and in his right mind.

If you seek healing from God, do not doubt. Do not say, “If it is your will . . .” Jesus is always willing to heal. (Matthew 8:3) Healing is purpose. By his wounds, lashes, bruises we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) To question if he wants us to remain sick and feeble is to question if he wants us to be saved from sin. Jesus said:

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”Luke 5:31

Jesus is in the business of healing and saving. May we also be about his business.

Receiving Healing and Help from God — Mustard Seed Faith for the Struggling Writer

Luke 9:37-42, Mark 9:14-28, Matthew 17:14-20

Receiving Healing and Help from God — Mustard Seed Faith

Answers to our prayers bring conflict, division and opposition. “When Jesus came to the other disciples, he saw a large crowd around them and the teachers of the law arguing with them (the other nine disciples).” Our attempts to believe in the power of Jesus will always lead to conflict, division, and opposition. Nine other disciples had tried to heal one boy. They had failed. Earlier these nine, plus Peter, James, and John, had gone out in pairs and healed all they met. They had driven out demons. Now their failure to help one boy threatened the reputation of Jesus. If his disciples proved to be frauds, then the Scribes’ argument that Jesus was a false teacher would carry greater weight.

Answers to our prayers includes humility. “A man came and knelt before Jesus.” In contrast to the nine disciples and the Scribes, the father moved passed arguments and acknowledged that he needed Jesus’ help. Casting blame hinders our ability to draw close to Jesus. Forgive, be reconciled, and draw near to him.

Answers to our prayers include repentance for both us and others. The father said, “Lord, have mercy on my son.” James declares that the prayers of righteous individuals are powerful (James 5:16). Even though none of us are righteous on our own, through the blood of Christ we are made righteous. Before we make our requests to God, repent, confess our sins, and in humility come before God with our prayers lists of petitions.

Answers to our prayers include clear and detailed descriptions of the affliction or situation. “My boy has seizures and suffers greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. He is possessed by a spirit that robs him of speech. Whenever this spirit seizes him, it throws him into convulsions and onto the ground. He foams at the mouth. He gnashes his teeth. He becomes rigid. He suddenly screams. This spirit scarcely ever leaves him. This spirit is destroying him.” Effective prayer includes specifics. Not because Jesus needs to know, but because we need to be able to testify later of all that he did. In listing details of the affliction we give weight to the power of Jesus’ healing and help. But we should be careful not to glorify the affliction or situation. Do not claim it as yours by saying, “My ____ (disease, problem).”  The affliction or situation is not ours. It’s of the devil. He came to steal, kill, and destroy and Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.

Answers to our prayers often include a recap of past attempts at healing and help. “I brought my boy to _____ but they could not heal (help).” Before Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood, we learn that she had spent all she had on doctors but none could help her. In fact, she grew worse. The contrast of failed attempts at healing and help reveals our need for God in all situations. We should be careful, however, not to blame on those who tried to help us and failed. Blame and shaming can block the flow of healing and help from God.

In our next lesson on healing and help we will look at the importance of pure faith.