Are You Prepared for Success

Don't Run Out of Fuel Before You Reach Your Goal

Red Bull - Plan for SuccessIn early August 1944, the Allies held much of Normandy and began advancing toward Berlin. Germany was defeated; all that remained was claiming the victory that was already won.
However, there were logistical problems that hindered their success. The race to Berlin would need fuel, munitions, and supplies, and the ships anchored in the English Channel grew more distant each day as American and British armies moved east and north.
The fast Red Ball truck operation brought 89,000 tons of supplies from beaches to army dumps in the Chartres-La Loupe-Dreux triangle between August 25 and September 5. Most of this cargo consisted of rations, gasoline, and ammunition. The journey of three days or more over congested roads was made even harder by the gasoline shortage. The trucks of the main armament depot company had to travel 250 miles back to the beach to get gasoline to haul weapons from the port of Cherbourg.
Although the Allies had planned for success, they underestimated how quickly the Germans would retreat. The limited logistical support forced Patton’s Third Army to slow and eventually halt on the banks of the Seine River. Low on fuel, munitions, and food, U.S. troops watched as the Germans ferried a large number of troops and substantial equipment across the river.
This time lost in August translated into an increase in loss of men. Had the Allies better anticipated the success they would have from June to late August, Germany might have fallen sooner.
What does your success plan look like? Is it a one-book breakout that rushes to the top? Can it hold that position against other competitors? Is your vision of success a series, several series, or a whole corps of books that push on and on so that no force can stop your advance?
In 1944, the Allies drafted big plans for success. As it turned out, their vision wasn’t grand enough.
How about you? Are you thinking big enough? Jesus says you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31-39). Are you prepared to live up to that title? Pray to the Lord and ask Him how you might best plan for the success He has in store for you.
One word, one article, one blog post, one email, one comment, one book at a time the Kingdom of God advances. Prepare to win.