Amazing Results With Amazon

Amazing Results with AmazonAmazon flattens the world of book selling by giving every author “the chance” to sell big. Whether your book is trade-published or self-published, Amazon will not only stock it, but if your book sells modestly well, Amazon will display your book right inside the door, at the end of each virtual aisle, on eight different category shelves, and smack-dab in front of the cash register.

“The low cost of digital publishing, coupled with Twitter and other social-networking tools, has enabled previously unknown writers to make a splash.” – Wall Street Journal

Amazon is the biggest and most effective word-of-mouth generator for books because it measures not only what people say about your book, but how popular your book is.

Publisher: Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas; 1 edition (January 13, 2011)

Kindle version: $.99 

In this e-book we show you how to leverage to your advantage. Topics include:

  • 5 ways Amazon works to sell your book, music, and products
  • Kindle submission
  • Pros / Cons of Kindles KDP Select program
  • How to use your Amazon author profile page to create buzz for your books
  • 3 Ways to garner positive Amazon reviews
  • How to combat negative reviews
  • The value of “like” on your book’s Amazon page
  • Importance of “tagging” your book
  • Price points that work
  • Price Pulsing
  • Ways you can make money selling short “how-to” and “self-help” books
  • How to feed your blog to your Amazon profile page
  • What you need to do to get into Amazon’s “positive feedback loop”
  • How to optimize your e-book title
  • Importance of your book’s cover
  • Why your book’s product description should not describe your book
  • 3 things you need to know about your Amazon sales strategy
  • Where to find your Nelson print sales numbers (and see how many books you’re selling and where)
  • How to upload a book trailer to your book’s Amazon page
  • When to use CreateSpace to publish your print book and much more.

This e-book is the product of a class Eddie teaches at writers’ conferences.